Daily Undulating Periodisation

Daily Undulating Periodisation/Performance Method (Joe Kenn)

This is a template for periodisation that concurrently trains various qualities for athletes outside of competition preparations. It is largely based on research into Daily Undulating Periodisation (DUP) Vs Traditional Linear Periodisation (TLP), where it was found that in well-trained athletes i.e CrossFit® competitors the variation in training stimulus reaped greater rewards than those of TLP models. Also because of the frequent training of qualities athletes do not become detrained in any particular area meaning athletes state of readiness is better year-round.

The periodisation method also includes the work of Joe Kenns performance method of arranging mesocycles, which uses a different means of supercompensation than TLP as you will see below.

Mesocycle Structure:

Base: 1x week of introducing new training stimulus for the coming mesocycle, setting baseline training loads.

Load: 1-2x week of loading training stimuluses and pushing athletes to overreaching.

Deload/Reload: A drop in volume and intensity to allow the athletes to recover and super-compensate for the coming performance week.

Performance: Intensities in this week need to be increased from the last load week. The programme should allow flexibility so that athletes can ‘perform’ and express the rewards of the training. For example you have been drilling 5s on Back Squats, the performance week is programmed for them to hit their back squats at 84-87% which is 100% relative intensity. Should the athlete feel good give them the freedom to set a new record in their 5RM back squat. If they do not feel good they can hit their training as prescribed.

Alternative: The alternative training week is to be used on a semi-regular basis every 8-12 weeks as a transition week. This needs to be programming that is completely out of the norm, expose your athletes to random stimuli and environments. The regular use of this will over time compound into a high level of GPP for an athlete.

Microcycle Structure

Monday: Strength Training (Whole Body)

The focus of this session will be to train strength qualities such as maximal strength and strength endurance (with loads in excess of 70% 1RM).

Tuesday: Sport (Limitation Focused)

Sport sessions are targeted at practising the sport of CrossFit®, with this session targeting limitations within the sport. This is more targeted at particular movements or styles of workout that might be tested rather than energy systems as those limitations can be addressed in strength or cyclical sessions.

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: Power (Whole Body)

This session must be completed after a rest day to ensure a high quality of training as is needed for optimal power gains. This session must also stand alone on this day because endurance work has been shown to hamper RFD and that will diminish session quality. The qualities that can be trained in this session (based on limitations) include high-velocity olympic lifts, compounds at intensities lesser than 65% 1RM, plyometrics/ballistics, contrast training, cyclical/low resistance power output sprints. No more than 2 of these qualities should be selected to focus on per training block to minimise interference.

Friday: Sport (General) 

Similar to Tuesdays sport session however you have the option here for the athlete to not just work limitations but in a more general sense. This is the perfect place for a performance piece, some heavy olympic lifting and then sport specific skill work to round it all off.

Saturday: Hypertrophy (Whole Body)

This session can act as strength and bulletproofing for your athlete. Muscle size and function are important for CrossFit® and often not given the time they need. This session can include specific movement work to start, intense full-body hypertrophy focus on weak point through the middle and the potential for HIIT conditioning to finish should your athlete require it.

Sunday: Rest


The addition of conditioning on hypertrophy and strength days can be made if you think it is needed for your athlete but it should be in the form of HIIT and mostly low resistance/cyclical in nature so that the quality of it isn’t poor after a tough strength session. Conditioning volumes will not be huge to accommodate strength/power gains as this is not a competition prep cycle. However additional cyclical work could also be added as long as its energy cost is not too great on the main session of the day.

Example Week: *if viewing on your phone please rotate your screen here for the example week.

Monday:Tuesday: SportWednesdayThursday:Friday: SportSaturday: HyperthrophySunday
AM – Monostructal LISSAM – Sport (Limitations)AM – PowerAM – Sport (General)AM – Hypertrophy
PM – Strength (Whole Body)A) Gymnastics Capacity
10-15 TTB
A) Specific Movement PrepA) Olympic Lift
Heavy single/complex
A) Specific Movement PrepB) Gymnastics Strength Work
5 Sets:
10 Weighted Knee Raises
:30 Bent Hollow Hold
B) Plyometrics
RFD focus
B) Performance PieceA2) Incline Prone Row
B) Safety Bar Back Squat
10 @60-70%
8 @65-75%
6 @70-80%
4 @75-85%
C) High Skill LT Threshold
C) Snatch
High velocity olympic lift
C) Skill FinisherB1) Cyclist Squat
C) Incline Bench Press
5×5 @all sets heavier than last week
D) Low Skill LT Threshold
D) Cyclical Power
5 Sets:
20cal Assault As Fast as Possible

Rest until reocvered between sets
D) AccessoriesB2) Alternating DB Bench Press
D) Weighted Strict Pull Up
5×5 @all sets heavier than last week
E) Gymnastics Support WorkC) HIIT Conditioning
E) Accessories
Targeting weak areas, after a whole
body strength session.

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